Celebrates, Communicates & Cares in the love of Christ
May you know God's blessing this week
We meet each Sunday at Manor School for our Morning Worship at 10.30 am. You are assured of a warm welcome.
Our weekly notice sheet can be found on the What’s On tab or by clicking here.
Our messages are usually recorded and with past ones are available for you to watch on our YouTube channel. You can find them by clicking the ‘Watch online’ button below.
Pick me up books
If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, we have these beautiful little books full of encouraging bible verses and watercolour paintings which we are giving away free. Click here to find out more.
Meet the Nativity
Meet the Nativity *
At the Late Night Shopping evening in December, Uckfield Baptist Church and Kings Church once again staged a walk through Nativity event at the Source. A great time was had by all the team and the 1300 people who visited were able to see and talk to all the characters as they walked through. Books and chocolate coins were given out at the end of the experience. It is wonderful to know that all the visitors experienced the real reason for celebrating Christmas - God’s gift to us in Jesus.

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken
Psalm 62: 5–6